Accountancy Knowledge Hub


At LT Accounting, we recognise that keeping up-to-date with the latest accountancy news and regulatory changes is not merely a requirement—it’s a strategic edge for your UK business. Our knowledge hub is committed to delivering the most current and influential accounting insights, trends, and updates.

Tax Return Implications of CIS for Contractors

CIS Tax Deduction & Payments|

The Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) is a tax initiative implemented by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) in the UK, specifically designed to regulate how payments are made to subcontractors in the construction sector. Under this scheme, contractors are required to deduct money from payments made to subcontractors and pass it [...]

CIS Tax Deduction for Non-Resident Contractors

CIS Tax Deduction & Payments|

The Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) is a tax deduction scheme in the UK that applies to contractors and subcontractors in the construction sector. It was designed to ensure that tax is collected at the source, thereby simplifying the tax process for both parties involved. Under this scheme, contractors are required [...]