The UK government has announced a significant change in the threshold for VAT registration, The VAT Threshold Increase from £85,000 to £90,000, effective from 1st April 2024. This adjustment has substantial implications for small business owners. In this comprehensive article, we will explore what this change means, how it impacts your business, and the strategic decisions you might need to make.

Understanding VAT and The VAT Threshold Increase

What is VAT?

Value Added Tax (VAT) is a consumption tax levied on most goods and services sold in the UK. Businesses that are VAT-registered must charge VAT on their sales and can reclaim VAT on their purchases. The VAT system ensures that tax is collected at each stage of production but ultimately paid by the end consumer.

Current and New VAT Thresholds

Until 31st March 2024, the VAT threshold for small businesses stands at £85,000. From 1st April 2024, this threshold will increase to £90,000. This means that businesses with a VAT turnover threshold of £90,000 or more over a 12-month period must register for VAT.

Impact of the VAT Threshold Increase

Who Benefits from the Increase?

The increase in the vat register threshold provides relief for small businesses close to the current limit. This allows them to grow without immediately facing the administrative burden of VAT registration and compliance. Sole traders, micro-businesses, and startups particularly benefit, as it gives them more room to expand before hitting the sole trader vat threshold.

Administrative and Financial Implications

For businesses that are currently just above the old threshold but below the new one, the vat threshold increase means potential deregistration. They will no longer need to charge VAT, simplifying their operations. However, they must consider the vat deregistration threshold and its requirements carefully.

Strategic Considerations for Small Businesses

Reviewing Pricing Strategies

Businesses hovering around the vat turnover threshold should review their pricing strategies. Staying below the new threshold might involve carefully managing sales growth to avoid compulsory VAT registration, which could lead to increased prices for customers.

Evaluating Business Expenses

For businesses just below the vat registered threshold, careful planning of expenses and investments can ensure they stay under the new limit. Consider the timing of major purchases or investments that might push you over the threshold.

Advantages of VAT Registration

While staying under the vat threshold for small businesses can simplify administration, voluntary VAT registration can sometimes be advantageous. VAT-registered businesses can reclaim VAT on purchases, potentially reducing costs.

Compliance and Planning for the New Threshold

Keeping Accurate Records

Whether aiming to stay below or exceeding the new vat earnings threshold, accurate record-keeping is crucial. Regularly monitoring your turnover will help you anticipate when you need to register for VAT.

Understanding the Deregistration Process

If your turnover falls below the deregistration threshold, you can apply to deregister from VAT. This process involves careful planning to ensure compliance and avoid penalties.

Consulting with an Accountant

Engaging with an accountant is advisable to navigate these changes. They can help ensure compliance, optimize tax strategies, and plan for the minimum turnover for vat registration.

Case Studies and Examples

Case Study 1: A Growing Retail Business

A small retail business with an annual turnover of £87,000 can benefit from the increased vat limits for registration. By not having to register for VAT immediately, the business can focus on growth and customer acquisition without the administrative burden of VAT compliance.

Case Study 2: A Sole Trader in Consultancy

A sole trader earning around £84,000 annually faces decisions about the what is the vat threshold for a sole trader. With the new threshold, the sole trader can continue operations without the complexities of VAT registration, allowing more focus on expanding the client base.

Long-Term Implications

Future Adjustments to the Threshold

This change might not be permanent. Future economic conditions could prompt further adjustments to the vat threshold small business. Staying informed about potential changes will help in long-term business planning.

Impact on Competition

The increased vat reg threshold can affect competition. Smaller businesses might find it easier to compete with slightly larger firms not yet compelled to charge VAT, potentially leading to a more level playing field.


The increase in the vat threshold for small businesses from £85,000 to £90,000 is a significant development for UK small business owners. Understanding how this change impacts your business, planning strategically around the new vat turnover threshold, and staying compliant with HMRC requirements will be crucial. By taking a proactive approach, you can ensure that your business remains competitive and compliant while maximising growth opportunities. For detailed guidance and support, consider consulting with LT Accounting to navigate these changes effectively.