As the UK government continues to modernise the tax system, Making Tax Digital (MTD) is a significant step towards a more efficient and streamlined process. While many businesses are already familiar with MTD for VAT, the initiative is also extending to income tax. This article will provide detailed information on how MTD impacts income tax reporting and compliance, ensuring you are well-prepared for the changes ahead.

What is Making Tax Digital for Income Tax?

Making Tax Digital for Income Tax is part of the government’s broader strategy to transform the UK tax system. The aim is to make tax administration more effective, efficient, and easier for taxpayers through the use of digital technology. MTD for Income Tax will require businesses and individuals to keep digital records and submit income tax updates to HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) through compatible software.

Who Does it Affect?

Making Tax Digital for Income Tax Self Assessment (MTD for ITSA) primarily impacts landlords and sole traders with business or property income exceeding £30,000. This measure mandates that those with qualifying income maintain digital records and submit quarterly updates to HMRC using compatible software.

For individuals, MTD for ITSA will be rolled out in two phases:

  • From April 2026, it will apply to those with qualifying income over £50,000.
  • From April 2027, it will extend to those with qualifying income over £30,000.

The government is committed to eventually introducing MTD for ITSA to partnerships as well. It is essential for those affected to understand these requirements and ensure compliance with the new regulations.

Key Changes and Requirements

  1. Digital Record Keeping:

    • Taxpayers must maintain digital records of their income and expenses. This means using MTD-compatible software to record transactions as they occur.
  2. Quarterly Updates:

    • Instead of submitting a single annual tax return, taxpayers will need to provide HMRC with quarterly updates of their income and expenses. This is intended to give a more accurate picture of their tax position throughout the year.
  3. End-of-Period Statement (EOPS):

    • At the end of the tax year, taxpayers will need to finalise their tax position by submitting an EOPS. This involves confirming that the quarterly updates are complete and accurate.
  4. Final Declaration:

    • The final declaration replaces the traditional self-assessment tax return, summarising the total income and tax due for the year.

Benefits of Making Tax Digital for Income Tax

  • Improved Accuracy: Digital record-keeping reduces the risk of errors compared to manual processes.
  • Real-Time Tax Position: Quarterly updates provide a clearer view of tax liabilities throughout the year, allowing better financial planning.
  • Streamlined Processes: Digital submissions simplify the tax process, reducing the administrative burden on taxpayers.

Preparing for MTD for Income Tax

  1. Choose the Right Software:

    • Ensure you select MTD-compatible software that meets your business needs. Many options are available, including partnerships with providers like Xero, which LT Accounting uses.
  2. Understand the Timelines:

    • Familiarise yourself with the implementation timeline and ensure you are ready to comply by the required dates.
  3. Seek Professional Advice:

    • Consider consulting with accounting professionals, such as the ACA qualified accountants at LT Accounting, to ensure a smooth transition and ongoing compliance.

Challenges and Considerations

  • Initial Setup Costs: Transitioning to digital record-keeping may involve initial costs for software and training.
  • Learning Curve: Adjusting to new processes and technology can be challenging, especially for those less familiar with digital tools.


Making Tax Digital for Income Tax represents a significant change in how income tax is reported and managed in the UK. By understanding the requirements and preparing accordingly, businesses and individuals can benefit from a more efficient and transparent tax system. With the right tools and support, the transition to MTD for Income Tax can be a smooth and beneficial process.

FAQs on Making Tax Digital for Income Tax

  1. What is Making Tax Digital for Income Tax?

    • Making Tax Digital for Income Tax is a UK government initiative aimed at modernising the tax system by requiring digital record-keeping and quarterly updates to HMRC through approved software.
  2. Who is required to comply with MTD for Income Tax?

    • Self-employed individuals, landlords, and businesses with an annual income above £10,000 are required to comply with MTD for Income Tax.
  3. When does MTD for Income Tax come into effect?

    • The implementation timeline may vary, so it’s essential to check the latest updates from HMRC. Generally, affected taxpayers should be prepared to comply by the set deadlines.
  4. What software can I use for MTD for Income Tax?

  5. How often do I need to submit updates to HMRC?

    • Taxpayers are required to submit quarterly updates to HMRC, providing a real-time view of their income and expenses.
  6. What is an End-of-Period Statement (EOPS)?

    • An EOPS is a final submission at the end of the tax year, confirming that all quarterly updates are accurate and complete.
  7. Will I still need to file a self-assessment tax return?

    • Under MTD for Income Tax, the traditional self-assessment tax return is replaced by the final declaration, summarising your total income and tax due for the year.
  8. What are the benefits of MTD for Income Tax?

    • Benefits include improved accuracy in tax reporting, real-time insights into tax liabilities, and streamlined processes that reduce administrative burdens.
  9. What challenges might I face with MTD for Income Tax?

    • Challenges include initial setup costs, a learning curve for new software, and ensuring timely compliance with quarterly updates.
  10. How can I prepare for MTD for Income Tax?

    • Preparation involves choosing the right software, understanding the implementation timeline, and consulting with accounting professionals for guidance.
  11. Is there support available for transitioning to MTD for Income Tax?

    • Yes, accounting firms like LT Accounting offer support and guidance to ensure a smooth transition and ongoing compliance with MTD requirements.